Unusual Homeownership Project Provides Hope of Affordability for Working-Class Individuals and Families

The Central Ohio Community Land Trust (COCLT), a subsidiary of the Central Ohio Community Improvement Corporation (COCIC), has signed an agreement with NCRC Housing Rehab Fund to build 20 new homes in the Near Eastside and Southside neighborhoods.

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The $90 Billion Bill We Pay Each Year for Non-Bank Mortgage Lenders

A $90 billion premium comes out of the equity that we all pay. Higher fees make it harder for renters to become homeowners. They erode the price a seller can expect to receive for their home. This is a bill that falls disproportionately on LMI and minority families, one the reinforces the growing racial and income wealth gaps.

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Realtor: Housing Finance Reform Battle Lines Drawn in Senate Hearing

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s “affordable housing goals ensure that all credit-worthy people have access to quality mortgages,” Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, said in a statement. “Their affordable housing obligations should be strengthened, not weakened, before ending the government’s conservatorship.”

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ValueWalk: Groups send Community Reinvestment Act reform letter to regulators

In a letter written and submitted by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), the coalition of housing, consumer protection and community development organizations urged the Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to drop the idea of a “one-ratio” metric from new CRA rules expected to be proposed by the agencies this fall.

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The Washington Post: Despite recent efforts, many obstacles to fixing the affordable housing problem

Essentially it boils down to a problem of money. Because of scant concern on the part of haves for housing affordability challenges faced by have-nots, relatively little political support exists for taxation needed to effectively address and solve affordable housing problems.

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NPR: As Rising Heat Bakes U.S. Cities, The Poor Often Feel It Most

Across Baltimore, the hottest areas tend to be the poorest and that pattern is not unusual. In dozens of major U.S. cities, low-income neighborhoods are more likely to be hotter than their wealthier counterparts, according to a joint investigation by NPR and the University of Maryland’s Howard Center for Investigative Journalism.

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Letter to Regulators on Proposed CRA One-Ratio Reform

September 17, 2019 The Honorable Jerome H. Powell Chairman, Federal Reserve Board of Governors 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20551 The Honorable Joseph Otting Comptroller of the Currency 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20219 The Honorable Jelena McWilliams Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 550 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20429 Dear

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NCRC comment letter on AmeriNat charter application

September 12, 2019 RE: NCRC Comment Letter on AmeriNat Charter Application To Whom it May Concern: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) maintains that AmeriNat’s application for an Industrial Loan Charter (ILC) has not demonstrated a significant commitment to meeting the convenience and needs of the community to be served as required per the Federal

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The Washington Post: Region’s elected officials urge their governments to commit to affordable-housing targets

Washington-area elected officials voted Wednesday to push their local governments to address the region’s affordable-housing shortage by setting individual targets to increase production of low- and medium-cost housing by 2

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Vanity Fair: Trump wants to make mortgages more expensive for minorities

While the administration says affordable housing goals would be replaced with a more “efficient, transparent, and accountable mechanism,” like a fee that would go to HUD to promote affordable housing, consumer and civil rights groups are suspicious. “Essentially they are trying to shrink the government footprint in the market and introduce private guarantors that won’t have the same obligations as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,” said Jesse Van Tol, chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

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