Archinect: 32 architects and firms design social housing prototypes for an experimental community in Mexico

The low-cost housing prototypes are built within the City of Apán, in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. After being constructed, the houses are now undergoing testing and evaluation to help validate the research project’s goals of equitable social housing.

Archinect: 32 architects and firms design social housing prototypes for an experimental community in Mexico Read More »

National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s written testimony for the U.S House committee on financial services field hearing in Houston, Texas, September 4, 2019

Our results show a pattern of disinvestment and discouragement that contributes to the wide disparities in small business ownership for blacks and Hispanics in the U.S.

National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s written testimony for the U.S House committee on financial services field hearing in Houston, Texas, September 4, 2019 Read More »

Tests show inferior treatment of minority business owners at banks, and data shows a steep decline in government-backed lending to black entrepreneurs

Better-qualified black and Hispanic testers who shopped for small business loans at Los Angeles area bank branches were treated worse than less qualified white testers, a new study found. The study, from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), also found steep declines in government-backed lending to black business owners between 2008 and 2016.

Tests show inferior treatment of minority business owners at banks, and data shows a steep decline in government-backed lending to black entrepreneurs Read More »

Disinvestment, Discouragement and Inequity in Small Business Lending

Disinvestment, Discouragement and Inequity In Small Business Lending Amber Lee, Fair Lending Manager, NCRCBruce Mitchell, PhD., Senior Research Analyst, NCRCAnneliese Lederer, Director of Fair Lending & Consumer Protection, NCRC In cooperation with:Jerome Williams, Rutgers University; Sterling Bone, Utah State University; Glenn Christensen, Brigham Young University Download Report Executive Summary Small businesses are vital to the

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New HMDA data shows need to strengthen CRA, close loopholes, apply to more institutions

Just hours before the start of the Labor Day long weekend, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released 2018 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data. It is the most complete record of mortgage lending in the United States. The data showed non-banks extended their dominance of home lending and that banks essentially dropped out of the government-backed FHA program that helps low- and moderate-income (LMI) borrowers.

New HMDA data shows need to strengthen CRA, close loopholes, apply to more institutions Read More »

Deep-rooted discrimination impacts health of LGBTQ community

As a result of the Trump Administration’s rollback of affordable healthcare and harsh cuts to affordable housing opportunities, many Americans are struggling with access to quality healthcare and stable housing. The combined toll of both of these issues, as well as pervasive and persistent discrimination, consistently put LGBTQ groups among the most affected.  For decades,

Deep-rooted discrimination impacts health of LGBTQ community Read More »

2018 HMDA overview: Banks fell further behind, non-banks dominated home lending

While overall banks fell short of non-banks in lending to minority applicants or in LMI neighborhoods, the banks in the top 25 performed about as well as the top non-bank lenders. But even among the top banks, lending to LMI borrowers fell far behind the top non-banks.

2018 HMDA overview: Banks fell further behind, non-banks dominated home lending Read More »

NCRC Comment letter on Rakuten Charter application

  (Download) August 27, 2019 RE: NCRC Comment Letter on Rakuten Charter Application To Whom it May Concern: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) maintains that Rakuten’s application for an Industrial Loan Charter (ILC) has not demonstrated a significant commitment to meeting the convenience and needs of the community to be served as required per

NCRC Comment letter on Rakuten Charter application Read More »

Bloomberg: Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s challenge Dimon-Led Roundtable

Outdoor-apparel retailer Patagonia Inc. and 29 other firms challenged multinational companies in a New York Times advertisement Sunday to “walk the walk” and change their legal incorporation status if they are serious about a new way of doing business that treats all stakeholders equally.

Bloomberg: Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s challenge Dimon-Led Roundtable Read More »

‘There you go again’ – CATO Institute joins chorus of falsehoods levied at the Community Reinvestment Act

In the Age of Fintech and Bank Competition,CATO Policy Analyst Diego Zuluaga maintained that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) should be repealed and replaced with a system of tradable credits. He started off his argument by asserting that the rationale for CRA is outdated since branching restrictions and other regulations that constrained competition have been

‘There you go again’ – CATO Institute joins chorus of falsehoods levied at the Community Reinvestment Act Read More »

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