MarketWatch: Black millennials less likely to own a home than their grandparents were at same age

“The only generation with a lower home ownership rate than millennials is the Greatest Generation. This generation was coming out of the Great Depression in 1940 and didn’t benefit much from the New Deal programs that assisted with home ownership.”

MarketWatch: Black millennials less likely to own a home than their grandparents were at same age Read More »

Brookings: Consumerism isn’t a sellout – if capitalism works for all

The essential thinginess of capitalism has been one of its most-criticized features. Materialism, and specifically consumerism, are almost always used as pejorative terms. Nostalgic conservatives, egalitarian progressives and environmentalists loudly agree on at least one thing: we are just buying too much stuff.

Brookings: Consumerism isn’t a sellout – if capitalism works for all Read More »

Vice: If you hate capitalism you will love this map

The Black Socialists of America (BSA), a coalition of “anticapitalist, internationalist Black Americans,” just launched its Dual Power Map. The map promises to plot every single worker cooperative, small business development center, community land trust, and dual power project in America so “you can support them right now.

Vice: If you hate capitalism you will love this map Read More »

The New York Times: Ad tool Facebook built to fight disinformation doesn’t work as advertised

aced with a rising backlash over the spread of disinformation in the aftermath of the 2016 elections, Facebook last year came up with a seemingly straightforward solution: It created an online library of all the advertisements on the social network. Transparency, it decided, was the best disinfectant.

The New York Times: Ad tool Facebook built to fight disinformation doesn’t work as advertised Read More »

Report: Bank regulators need to plug loopholes in Community Reinvestment Act exams

The NCRC study, based on government exams of the nation’s 50 biggest banks, found some banks get credit for investments outside of their assessment areas (AAs) even when those banks underinvested in the areas they are supposed to serve first. Meanwhile, other banks get little or no credit outside of assessment areas.

Report: Bank regulators need to plug loopholes in Community Reinvestment Act exams Read More »

An evaluation of assessment areas and community development financing: Implications for CRA reform

(Download) INTRODUCTION The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) has leveraged trillions of dollars of loans, investments and services for low- and moderate-income (LMI) borrowers and communities. Since 1996, banks have made more than $1 trillion in community development loans, which finance affordable housing, economic development projects and community facilities for LMI communities. Likewise, banks have issued

An evaluation of assessment areas and community development financing: Implications for CRA reform Read More »

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