
Economic Reparations: the Path “From Here to Equality”

In about 400 pages, “From Here To Equality” reviews the political history of the Black reparations movement, the effects of slavery on the nation’s development and the ongoing failure of the country to take action to bridge racial economic inequality. It also outlines a program for Black reparations. 

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NCRC disappointed by Senate vote against CRA resolution

Today, the Senate failed to pass H.R. Res 90, which would have overturned new rules on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) finalized by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) in May. On a party line vote, Senate Democrats voted in support of the resolution that would nullify the OCC’s weakening of CRA rules, while Senate Republicans voted to keep them in place.

NCRC disappointed by Senate vote against CRA resolution Read More »

Health equity was a challenge before coronavirus

Health and wealth equity didn’t exist in the U.S. before COVID-19, and the pandemic only exacerbated racial, ethnic, gender and geographic disparities. To address these issues and provide a platform for collaborative work toward solutions, NCRC members and partners in North Carolina held a 3-day special online event Oct. 13-15, 2020: Invest in Health and Wealth: Stabilizing Underserved Communities While Fighting a Pandemic.

Health equity was a challenge before coronavirus Read More »

Systemic Problems Call For Systemic Solutions: California Needs the Right Policy Tools To Address Historic Racism

Kelsey Lyles, Health Equity Policy Lead, The Greenlining Institute Kelsey Lyles Program Manager, Health Equity, The Greenlining Institute As Health Equity Program Manager, Kelsey Lyles leads the Health Equity team’s workforce equity and inclusion advocacy efforts. Growing up in Chicago, she felt a strong commitment to social justice at a young age. Kelsey has extensive

Systemic Problems Call For Systemic Solutions: California Needs the Right Policy Tools To Address Historic Racism Read More »

NCRC Short Summary of Federal Reserve Board Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Community Reinvestment Act

On September 21, the Federal Reserve Board approved an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). As an ANPR, this document is not a proposed change to the Federal Reserve’s CRA regulations. However, it offers details about a rule change the Federal Reserve (Fed) is contemplating 

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Baltimore: The Black Butterfly

Marceline White, Executive Director, Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition Marceline White Executive Director, Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition Marceline serves as the Executive Director of the Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition where she leads the coalition of 8,500 supporters in promoting economic justice and financial inclusion throughout Maryland. Marceline currently co-chairs the Consumer Protection Committee of Attorney General

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House passage of scaled-back HEROES Act sends clear message to Senate: act now to protect public health and the economy

Today, the House passed a scaled-back version of the HEROES Act (H.R. 6800), trimming about $1.2 trillion in aid from a plan passed by the full chamber in May. The Senate has yet to take up the HEROES Act, and failed to pass a $500 million “skinny” aid package earlier this month. 

House passage of scaled-back HEROES Act sends clear message to Senate: act now to protect public health and the economy Read More »

COVID-19 Disparities in Rochester, NY: The Legacy of Redlining in the City of Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony

T     Barbara Van Kerkhove, Ph.D. Researcher/Policy Analyst, Empire Justice Center Barbara Van Kerkhove is a researcher/policy analyst in Empire Justice Center’s Rochester, New York, office where she does research and advocacy on a variety of consumer finance and economic justice issues. She is the principal author of “Too Big to Fail…Too Poor to

COVID-19 Disparities in Rochester, NY: The Legacy of Redlining in the City of Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Read More »

NCRC Initial Analysis of the CFPB SBREFA Panel Outline: A Step in the Right Direction but Improvements Sought

The CFPB’s initial proposals for the small business lending data take some steps in the right direction such as including a broad range of institutions from banks to non-bank financial technology companies that would be required to report data. However, some proposals would keep lending activity in the dark such as the proposal to not report Merchant Cash Advances, a form of credit that is higher cost and has been subject to abuses. 

NCRC Initial Analysis of the CFPB SBREFA Panel Outline: A Step in the Right Direction but Improvements Sought Read More »

Community Reinvestment Groups Press Lawsuit Against Trump Admin for Dismantling Anti-Redlining Rules

Late Monday, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and the California Reinvestment Coalition (CRC), represented by Democracy Forward and Farella Braun + Martel, responded to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) attempt to dismiss their suit challenging its dismantling of anti-redlining rules put in place to enforce the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).

Community Reinvestment Groups Press Lawsuit Against Trump Admin for Dismantling Anti-Redlining Rules Read More »

A Literature Review of Poverty, Race and Gender Among Older Adults

An individual’s well-being and long-term financial sustainability is derived from the ability to build and acquire assets, such as savings, homes, cars or businesses. Around 55% of Americans live in asset-poverty which means they lack sufficient wealth to sustain a livelihood above the poverty level for at least 3 months.

A Literature Review of Poverty, Race and Gender Among Older Adults Read More »

Civil rights and consumer advocacy groups support Federal Reserve steps to update CRA rules

On Monday, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors approved a process to revise the rules banks must follow to comply with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), and an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) to begin that process.

Civil rights and consumer advocacy groups support Federal Reserve steps to update CRA rules Read More »

De facto or de jure housing inequities: The outcomes are the same

As the COVID-19 crisis unfolded in St. Louis, the maps of the infections looked very familiar to those of us who work to promote integrated and inclusive communities. Unsurprisingly, it was having a greater toll on the city’s majority-Black neighborhoods, where maps already showed elevated rates of asthma and lead poisoning.

De facto or de jure housing inequities: The outcomes are the same Read More »

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