
Federal Regulators Should Refrain From Making a True Lender Rule

In the coming weeks, we expect the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to propose a rule for the “true lender” doctrine, an act that will have a negative impact on the ability of states to protect their residents from high-cost lending.

Federal Regulators Should Refrain From Making a True Lender Rule Read More »

COVID-19 and the CFPB Consumer Complaint Database

Local businesses are devastated and state agencies overwhelmed as people stay at home to preserve their health and apply for government assistance to maintain financial solvency. An unexpected side effect of this was a simultaneous increase in consumer complaints filed with the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB).

COVID-19 and the CFPB Consumer Complaint Database Read More »

Are All Americans Equal?

Most people are aware of the ongoing economic inequality suffered by the majority of Americans and disproportionately for African Americans. African Americans’ net wealth in the U.S. is 1/10 of that of their fellow White citizens. The COVID–19 virus, the current economic recession and national protests have made many of us think deeper about whether

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Trump threatens to “end” an anti-segregation rule that’s already crumbling under his administration

In a tweet yesterday, President Trump threatened a vital piece of the 1968 Fair Housing Act (FHA). The 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule finally addressed and strengthened the FHA requirement that the government do something to end housing discrimination and segregation.

Trump threatens to “end” an anti-segregation rule that’s already crumbling under his administration Read More »

Preliminary Analysis of 2019 HMDA Mortgage Lending Data

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released the 2019 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data on June 24, 2020, detailing mortgage lending information from nearly all lenders in the United States. HMDA offers details on 9.3 million originations resulting from over 17.5 million applications.

Preliminary Analysis of 2019 HMDA Mortgage Lending Data Read More »

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