Imagine a Just Economy.


We’re a network of local and national nonprofits, government, educational institutions and individuals. Together, we lead the movement for a #JustEconomy.

We push back against centuries of inequality.

We push forward toward a world of inclusive, livable and sustainable communities grounded in fairness and dignity for everyone.

Join to support our independent, nonprofit research, publishing, investigations, training, advocacy and programs.

What is NCRC?

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition and its grassroots member organizations create opportunities for people to build wealth. We work with community leaders, policymakers and financial institutions to champion fairness and end discrimination in lending, housing and business. Together we lead the movement for a #JustEconomy. Learn more about NCRC’s work.

How can I join the movement?

If you are part of a non-profit organization, state or local government agency, or educational institution, we invite you to join as an organizational member.

Individuals can support NCRC’s work by joining the Just Economy Club.


See our Membership FAQs

Organizational Membership
Just Economy Club
Who is eligible?
● Nonprofits
● Government (local, state)
● Universities & Think Tanks
● Individuals
Research tools and data
Just Economy Forum
Member Hub
Discount on events
Participate in member advocacy campaigns
Team membership – add co-workers to participate and access member benefits
Custom research support
Policy briefings
Policy working groups
NCRC Board elections
Starts at $175 Tiered based on organization type and budget
One-time, Monthly, or Annual contribution of your choice
Join as an Organization
Join as an Individual

Frequently Asked Questions

To join, follow this link. Alternatively, if you prefer to pay by check or ACH, you can reach out to and indicate that you would like to become an NCRC member and our team will send you an invoice.

To join, follow this link. Alternatively, if you prefer to pay by check or ACH, you can reach out to and indicate that you would like to become an NCRC member and our team will send you an invoice.

Currently, non-profit organizations, state or local government departments and agencies, and educational institutions can join as NCRC members with full benefits.

Organizations can join NCRC on an annual basis. After each year, your membership will auto-renew or you will be asked to renew your membership online, via check, or via ACH.

Individuals can choose monthly or annual options for the Just Economy Club.

Yes! Individuals who work for organizations that are not eligible for NCRC membership can participate in and support our work by joining the Just Economy Club, NCRC’s network for individuals.

The cost of a one-year membership is based on the type and budget size of the organization. More information can be found here. Membership dues are paid when purchasing a new membership and at each subsequent renewal. 


Small (Budget <$500,000) $175/year Select

Medium (Budget <$1 million) $350/year Select

Large (Budget >$1 million) $900/year Select


Local $900/year Select

State $1,500/year Select


$900/year Select


See monthly and annual options for the Just Economy Club.

Membership Benefits

Annual NCRC membership includes access to:

    • Members-only newsletters and listservs
    • Discounts to webinars, summits, and the popular annual conference in spring, including Hill Day
    • Member Hub where recordings of previous webinars can be found
    • Just Economy Forum discussion community
    • Monthly Legislative/Regulatory calls with NCRC’s policy team
    • Sign-on activities and letters for relevant public comment periods
    • Updates on Community Benefits Agreements and bank merger meetings in your area.
    • Customized research in the form of Fair Lending Reports and more
    • Housing Counseling Network

Annual NCRC membership includes access to:

    • Members-only newsletters and listservs
    • Discounts to webinars, summits, and the popular annual conference in spring, including Hill Day
    • Member Hub where recordings of previous webinars can be found
    • Just Economy Forum discussion community
    • Monthly Legislative/Regulatory calls with NCRC’s policy team
    • Sign-on activities and letters for relevant public comment periods
    • Updates on Community Benefits Agreements and bank merger meetings in your area.
    • Customized research in the form of Fair Lending Reports and more
    • Housing Counseling Network

Non-profits, state and local government entities, and educational institutions can join NCRC as members. Membership can cover multiple departments or office locations within an organization. Members have expanded capacities on NCRC’s Member Hub and Just Economy Forum and in voting situations compared to the Just Economy Club.

The Just Economy Club is for individuals who want to participate and show their support for NCRC’s work to make a Just Economy a national priority and a local reality… Just Economy Club members choose their own donation levels. Club members have access to the Just Economy Forum, members-only content and discounts on events, However, some content, forums and working groups are for NCRC organization members only, and only NCRC organization members participate and vote at NCRC’s annual member meeting.

The best way is to check out our web site, subscribe to our email newsletters and alerts, and follow us on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Instagram.

Our Field Notes blog is a great way to hear about NCRC members and their work across the country. To submit your organization’s story for Field Notes consideration, please complete the following form.

Another way to learn about other NCRC member organizations is by interacting with other members in the Just Economy Forum.

A member who has set up an NCRC account can log into the members-only Just Economy Forum at this link using the same username and password. 

The Hub can be found under the Membership dropdown on our main website or at this link.

If you are not the primary contact on your organization’s NCRC membership, please make sure the primary contact has added you as a “team member” on the subscription. This will allow you to set up a login for the Just Economy Forum.

At this time, no. The login information connected to your NCRC membership account portal will not work for registering for NTA sessions. All individual staff members of an organization with NCRC membership must create their own accounts using the following link in order to register for NTA sessions. This is to help with the tracking of individual continuing education credits. For more information, please reach out to 202-524-4884 or

This does not necessarily mean you are a member of NCRC. NCRC membership comes with additional benefits beyond NTA as well as annual dues. To become an NCRC member, sign up as an organization at the following link.

Payment and Renewal

The cost of a one-year membership is based on the type and budget size of the organization. More information can be found here. Membership dues are paid when purchasing a new membership and at each subsequent renewal. 


Small (Budget <$500,000) $175/year Select

Medium (Budget <$1 million) $350/year Select

Large (Budget >$1 million) $900/year Select


Local $900/year Select

State $1,500/year Select


$900/year Select


See monthly and annual options for the Just Economy Club.

The cost of a one-year membership is based on the type and budget size of the organization. More information can be found here. Membership dues are paid when purchasing a new membership and at each subsequent renewal. 


Small (Budget <$500,000) $175/year Select

Medium (Budget <$1 million) $350/year Select

Large (Budget >$1 million) $900/year Select


Local $900/year Select

State $1,500/year Select


$900/year Select


See monthly and annual options for the Just Economy Club.

When setting up a new membership account via this link, you will be given the option of adding a valid credit card and paying online. You can also pay by check or ACH by reaching out to and indicating that you would like our team to send you an invoice.

You may cancel at any time, but NCRC does not issue refunds.

Yes. If your organization paid via the member portal, the primary contact will receive an email reminder from Memberful shortly before your membership expires. If you paid via check or ACH and are not on auto-renew, NCRC will send you an invoice via email to renew your membership. Please make sure your email and contact information is up to date.

Yes. Many NCRC members enable auto-renewal on their membership when they first purchase an NCRC membership online. To ensure auto-renew is turned on, the primary contact should log into the member portal and choose the “Account” tab near the top of the main page. Click “Menu” in the window which appears and then choose “Subscriptions”. Add current credit card information in order to enable auto-renewal for your NCRC membership. Auto-renewal will not work if your payment information is out of date.

Auto-renewal is not available for payments made via ACH or by check. If you are not on auto-renewal, you will receive an invoice via email to the primary contact or billing contact’s email address.

Managing your account

Once you have an account set up through our membership platform, you may use the following link to log in.

If you are not the primary holder of the membership account and are having trouble logging in, please check that you have been added to the team. Your primary contact must add you in order for you to log in.

If you have trouble, contact for help.

Once you have an account set up through our membership platform, you may use the following link to log in.

If you are not the primary holder of the membership account and are having trouble logging in, please check that you have been added to the team. Your primary contact must add you in order for you to log in.

If you have trouble, contact for help.

Once logged into your member account through this link, you can edit organization information, such as address and contact details. Most importantly, only the primary contact can see the membership expiration date, renew or cancel the membership, edit or update payment information, add team members, and enable or disable auto-renewal.

If you are the primary contact of an organizational membership, you can add multiple staff to your “team” at any time. To add non-primary contact staff and ensure they are receiving NCRC membership benefits, please log into Memberful and follow the instructions on this page. If you have trouble, contact for help.

To change your password, you can go to the login page and click “Reset” password without logging in. You can also change your password manually after logging into your profile at this link.

If you do not remember your login name, you can also contact to request a password reset email from NCRC.

To update primary contact information because of changes in staff, the primary contact can log into the member account at this link. If you have forgotten your password or are a new staff member taking over primary contact responsibility for your organization’s NCRC membership, contact to reset the password and/or update contact information. 

To add non-primary contact staff and ensure they are receiving NCRC membership benefits, please log into Memberful and follow the instructions on this page. If you have trouble, contact for help.