Spotlight on Housing Finance Reform

The issue of housing finance reform is heating up in Congress. This issue has broad and lasting implications for the future of the middle class and economic opportunity in America. NCRC is committed to ensuring that housing finance reform results in a system that provides access to conventional loans for the full spectrum of creditworthy borrowers, as well as affordable rental housing.

Join us as we advocate for fair access for all communities in housing finance reform!

Please see below for NCRC resources:

NCRC Policy Pieces:

Affordable Housing Goals Charts: State-by-State Benefits of the Affordable Housing Goals

Johnson-Crapo Housing Finance Reform Legislation: Access Concerns and Solutions (One-Pager)

A Guarantee for the Guarantee: Two Proposals to Ensure that the Future Secondary Mortgage Market Serves All Creditworthy Borrowers

Issue Brief: An Analysis of the Corker-Warner GSE Reform Bill and Its Implications for Affordable Housing Finance 

NCRC Letters:

Comment Letter on FHFA Proposed Enterprise Housing Goals


Letter from National Groups Calling on Senate Majority Leader Reid to Hold off Floor Vote on Johnson-Crapo

Letter to Senate Banking Leadership Expressing Concern About Johnson-Crapo Bill

NCRC Press Statements:

NCRC Statement on the Release of 2014 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data

NCRC Statement on Updates to Common Securitization Platform

NCRC Reacts to HUD’s New Proposed Revisions to Lender Certification for FHA-Insured Mortgages

NCRC Reacts to Final Affordable Housing Goals Issued by Federal Housing Finance Agency

NCRC Statement in Opposition to Shelby Provisions in Appropriations Bill

NCRC Applauds Final Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule

NCRC Statement on Shelby Regulatory Relief Bill Committee Vote

NCRC Reacts to the Release of Shelby Regulatory Relief Bill

National Groups Call on Senate Majority Leader Reid to Hold off Floor Vote on Johnson-Crapo

NCRC Statement on Johnson-Crapo Housing Finance Reform Committee Vote

NCRC Statement on FHFA Director Mel Watt’s Remarks at the Brookings Institution

Hundreds of Community Groups Send Letter to Senate Banking Committee Leadership Expressing Concern About Johnson-Crapo Bill

NCRC Statement on the Release of the Johnson-Crapo Housing Finance Reform Bill

NCRC Statement on Johnson and Crapo Agreement on Housing Finance Reform 

NCRC to Host GSE and Housing Finance Reform Forum 

NCRC Releases GSE Reform Access White Paper  

NCRC Applauds Senator Reid’s Remarks on GSE Reform 

NCRC Statement on President Obama’s Arizona Housing Address  

NCRC Op-Eds: 

Housing Finance Reform Should Now Focus on Fixing and Preserving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Access to Credit Is Key in GSE Reform 

Go Back to the Drawing Board on GSE Reform 

As Americans Struggle to Climb Economic Ladder, Corker-Warner GSE Reform Effort Falls Badly Short 


NCRC Forum on Housing Finance Reform, January 31, 2014

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