Globe Newswire: Old National Announces $8.3B Community Benefits Agreement to Strengthen Small Businesses and Minority and Underserved Communities

Globe Newswire, February 3, 2022, Old National Announces $8.3B Community Benefits Agreement to Strengthen Small Businesses and Minority and Underserved Communities

The plan was developed in collaboration with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and its members and is subject to the closing of the First Midwest merger.

“We appreciate the leadership and commitment of Old National—and that of Jim Ryan in particular—to collaborate with us and our members to create this impactful community agreement,” said Jesse Van Tol, President and CEO of NCRC. “With this agreement, Old National makes significant commitments to increase investments in homeownership. small businesses and community development projects like affordable housing and alternative energy in low- and moderate-income communities and neighborhoods of color where these banks operate.”

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