
SiliconValley.com: Lansner’s mailbag: ‘Stop with the inequity bull’ on Black homeownership

SilliconValley.com, February 4, 2022, Lansner’s mailbag: ‘Stop with the inequity bull’ on Black homeownership

Reader: “My parents former two-bedroom, 70-year-old home in west suburban Chicago (now Black owned) is worth $137,000. My 48-year-old home, three-bedroom home in South Orange County is worth $958,000. While my Black neighbor’s four-bedroom home is worth more likely $1.1 million.”

Me: The National Community Reinvestment Coalition wrote last year: “Redlining, the intentional decision not to provide mortgage loans in minority communities, specifically African American communities, led to the formation and enhancement of segregated neighborhoods. Many of the neighborhoods redlined back in the 1920s-1940s are still segregated today.”

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