
Build Healthy Places Network: Why the Community Reinvestment Act is a Critical Tool for Building Healthier Communities

Building Healthy Places Network, February 3, 2021, Why the Community Reinvestment Act is a Critical Tool for Building Healthier Communities

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to illustrate the stark connections between wealth and health. This is especially apparent in historically redlined neighborhoods that endure a higher prevalence of COVID-19 risk factors. Hospitals and banks have analogous mandates to community commitment, including addressing health and wealth disparities that are ever more evident during COVID.

Renae A. Badruzzaman, Program Manager at Build Healthy Places Network, interviews Karen Kali, Senior Program Manager at National Community Reinvestment Coalition, about the opportunities the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) provides for banks, hospitals and community development practitioners to work in tandem to tackle health and wealth inequities.

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