
Common Dreams: As Congress Approves Juneteenth Bill, Advocates Say ‘We Must Not Stop Here’

Common Dreams, June 17, 2021, As Congress Approves Juneteenth Bill, Advocates Say ‘We Must Not Stop Here’

As legislation to designate Juneteenth a federal holiday breezed through the U.S. Congress this week and was signed into law by President Joe Biden Thursday afternoon, racial justice advocates stressed the imperative for meaningful policies and actions to address systemic racism and inequality that go beyond what some called performative gestures.

In a syndicated opinion piece published on Thursday, National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) chief of programs and strategic development Sabrina Terry and Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, chief of membership, policy, and equity at NCRC and an associate fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies, wrote that “Juneteenth reminds us to be critical of how progress is measured.”

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