The Sacramento Observer, November1, 2021, Elderly Oak Park Woman Faces Losing Her Home
71-year-old grandmother and janitorial worker Wanda Clark’s home in south Oak Park, is in court-appointed receivership because of housing code violations and can be auctioned off, if the proceedings are not halted.
Rashid Sidqe, executive director of the Sacramento-based non-profit organization Lift Up Love Always (LULA), said, “Nobody wants to talk about it, but yes, it’s all about gentrification.” He told The Observer that “The receivership is a scam and our elders are getting bullied.”
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s (NCRC) 2019 report on gentrification and cultural displacement identified Sacramento as amongst the top five out of 20 cities nationwide for intensity of gentrification in their June 2020 report.