Essence: Baldwin & Co. Coffee & Bookstore In New Orleans Makes A Delicious Brew And A Big Impact At The Same Time

Essence, June 15, 2022, Baldwin & Co. Coffee & Bookstore In New Orleans Makes A Delicious Brew And A Big Impact At The Same Time

The most recent report from The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) found that New Orleans is “gentrifying at an abnormally rapid rate” compared to other cities in its Gentrification and Disinvestment 2020 report.

“We looked at 392 census tracts or neighborhoods in New Orleans for the study,” says Jason Richardson, the senior director of research for NCRC.  “Sixty-four percent of them were considered eligible to gentrify based on our methods. The 13 that did gentrify based on our criteria is about 20 percent, which pushed New Orleans to the number five spot for gentrification.”

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