
Fla. Community Loan Fund Issues Public Comment on Comptroller of Currency Proposed Rule

Advisor News, November 3, 2021, Fla. Community Loan Fund Issues Public Comment on Comptroller of Currency Proposed Rule

Ignacio Esteban, CEO of the Florida Community Loan Fund, Orlando, issued a public comment on the Comptroller of the Currency, endorsing the OCC’s decision to rescind the final CRA rule previously adopted in 2020 and its proposal to revert to 1995 CRA regulations.

A recent analysis done by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition reports $108.6 Billion in CRA/LMI qualified lending done by banks over the period of 2009-2018 in just 6 of the state’s largest metropolitan areas. The power of CRA is immense and immensely important to communities of people and places outside the economic mainstream.

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