

Perspectives On History, October 24, 2023, AHA MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: NICHOLE NELSON

Nichole Nelson is a senior policy advisor at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. She lives in Washington, DC, and has been a member since 2013.

“During my last year of my PhD program, I applied for the Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows fellowship. The great thing about this fellowship is that it prepares humanities PhDs for nonacademic careers, and matches them with a host institution where they can learn invaluable skills in their chosen field. I was fortunate to receive the fellowship and be paired with the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice. At the institute, I worked on initiatives to increase the homeownership rate for Black and Brown New Jerseyans. I think that what helped make me legible to the institute was that my dissertation on the Fair Housing Movement was closely related to some of the policy work at the institute. Some of the initiatives that I helped advocate for involved fair housing techniques such as combating discrimination in home appraisals. “

“My work at the institute prepared me for my current career as a senior policy advisor at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, where I work to advance economic and racial justice.”

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