Irvin Henderson
Trustee, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Henderson, NC
Irvin M. Henderson is the principal of Henderson & Company, a consulting firm and development company with particular expertise in the areas of community development and historic preservation, and commercial, residential and enterprise development. Irvin has an extensive track record in downtown revitalization, multifamily development and commercial development for urban core infill. He is the former president and CEO of Henderson Financial Services and the former CEO of Gateway Community Development Corporation. Irvin is chair of the National Trust Community Investment Corporation, a trustee of the CRA Fund, a trustee emeritus of the National Trust for Historic Preservation,
past chair and current executive committee member of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, audit chair of the National Main Street Center and board member of an Iowa CDE. He is currently developing commercial historic properties in Chicago, Pittsburgh, Edenton, NC and Puerto Rico. Recently completed projects include apartments, a factory and a multipurpose facility.