The California Aggie: Soaring Housing Prices Around UC Campuses Signify A Contribution To Gentrification

The California Aggie, June 11, 2024, Soaring Housing Prices Around UC Campuses Signify A Contribution To Gentrification

In an article for CalMatters, Alexandra Olvera, a 2021 UC Davis first-generation and Latinx alum, described her story of struggling due to Davis’ overpriced housing after her father was deported and her mother had lost her job. 

“[My family’s] income dropped considerably, and I suffered unstable housing in California my first two years in college,” Olvera stated. “Even though I worked as hard as I could to pay for housing, I was no longer able to afford a place in Davis’s incredibly overpriced housing market. I was at risk of homelessness.” 

Olvera’s experience with housing is common among minorities. A study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that the people most affected by gentrification and high housing prices were Black, Hispanic or Latinx.  

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