The Pitch: Celebrate Give Black Day: A Partnership Between Local Black-Owned Businesses And The Pitch

The Pitch, October 15, 2020, Celebrate Give Black Day: A Partnership Between Local Black-Owned Businesses And The Pitch

The Pitch has teamed with a coalition of Black owned Businesses to aid in the movement to end systemic racism in the communities of the United States. Here, they are creating a social media presence with the hashtag #GiveBlackDay which creates video educating people on the systemic injustices and how they can take part in combatting them in their community.

Over the past few months there has been an ongoing conversation about systemic racism in America. Since the killing of George Floyd, Brionna Taylor, and the murder of Ahmad Aubrey all coming to light in May, more people are talking about the existence of systemic racism and anti-blackness in America. This has led us to another moment of trying to figure out what exactly to do about it.

There has been a lot of talk about how this moment is different. About how people are waking up to the deep-seeded systemic racism in our country for the first time. About how we can no longer ignore the clear and present evil in front of us that is racism. That talk has been for white people, because none of this is new for people of color, especially Black people. Black people do not get the luxury of ignoring racism. It is hard to ignore it when you constantly come across retailers that suggest you might not be able to afford something because you’re Black. When you are told by your high school friend, that they’re not allowed to come over to your house because you are Black. When you are constantly stopped by the police, just so they can check if you have a warrant for your arrest. This moment might be new, but the issue is not.

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