
US Department of Housing and Urban Development: What They are Saying: Stakeholders, Advocates, Elected Officials Applaud Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity Task Force Action Plan

US Department of Housing and Urban Development, March 24, 2022, What They are Saying: Stakeholders, Advocates, Elected Officials Applaud Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity Task Force Action Plan

National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) General Counsel Brad Blower and Senior Director of Policy Megan Haberle: Today the Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) issued its action plan to root out racial and ethnic bias in home valuations, a widespread problem that helps drive the racial wealth gap. The action plan is a bold leap forward in documenting the impact of such bias and setting out specific solutions. It identifies the historical role of racism in the valuation of rental property, examines various forms of bias in property valuation, and lays out a roadmap of concrete action steps under a whole-of-government approach. 

The action plan is a significant step forward in addressing appraisal bias. NCRC commits to working with the federal government and the appraisal industry to bring the Plan’s commitments into being – and to get us all to a better place, where discrimination does not stand in the way of financial security and fair treatment.

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