
The Washington Post: Young farmers and farmers of color have been shut out of federal assistance during the pandemic

The Washington Post, July 16, 2020: Young farmers and farmers of color have been shut out of federal assistance during the pandemic

Kate Edwards, 33, is entering her 10th year of farming in Solon, Iowa, north of Iowa City. She started with one acre and 11 customers for her community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm. Now, after retrofitting a 100-year-old farm to accommodate 30 varieties of vegetables, she has 250 customers and works 10 acres.

She says she has incurred at least $15,000 in additional expenses due to the pandemic, including laying a new $10,000 driveway to allow customers to drive up to her farm. She has spent an extra $1,000 for single-use paper bags, something in short supply these days. She has hired extra people to help pack bags: Where she used to spread her produce out buffet-style so customers could pick their own zucchinis and leafy greens, she now must box it all up for them to maintain social distancing. And she has had to rethink family finances after her husband lost his engineering job because of the economic downturn.

The pandemic has changed nearly everything about her business, and she says there has been little help from the federal government.

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