
CBS News: How $98 Trillion of Household Wealth in America is Distributed: “It’s Very Depressing”

CBS News, January 31, 2020: How $98 Trillion of Household Wealth in America is Distributed: It’s Very Depressing”

The gap between rich and poor in America is the worst it’s been in more than a half century. 

In the 2020 election cycle, Democratic candidates Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have promised to redistribute the pie with a special tax on fortunes $50 million and up. “The wealthiest people in this country will start paying their fair share of taxes,” Sanders said on the campaign trail in May.

Not everyone is on board with the tax.”They’ve started their own companies, they’ve grown businesses, they’ve worked hard, they’ve gotten good degrees, they’ve gone to school. They may have had more opportunity than others, but there’s a lot of people who just haven’t done that,” said Mark Tedford, who runs an investment firm in Connecticut.

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