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Artificial Intelligence and the Economy: Charting a Path for Responsible and Inclusive AI

Please join NCRC's General Council Brad Blower at "Artificial Intelligence and the Economy: Charting a Path for Responsible and Inclusive AI," an event hosted by the U.S. Department of Commerce and National Institute of Standards and Technology, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), and the FinRegLab. The symposium will bring together leaders from government, industry, civil society, and academia to […]

Quarterly Fair Housing Call

This call is open to NCRC members only. Please join us for NCRC’s quarterly Fair Housing call where we discuss national trends in fair housing, fair lending, and strategize how to address prevailing discriminatory housing practices across the country. If you have any questions, want to become a member or want to know what the […]

Fighting Covert Racism in the Workplace

Join NCRC’s National Training Academy on May 4, 2022, 2 - 3:30 pm ET for a webinar on how to have inclusive cultures in the workplace.  Most of us recognize and stand solidly against overt expressions of racism such as racial slurs, violence, and practices of blatant racial segregation and discrimination. But overt racism is only […]

Nonprofit Quarterly’s “Remaking the Economy”

Please join NPQ, in partnership with Shelterforce, on Thursday, May 5th at 2 pm EDT for Remaking the Economy: Closing the Racial Wealth Gap. Featuring Gary Cunningham (Prosperity Now), Jeremie Greer (Liberation in a Generation), John A. Powell (Othering & Belonging Institute, UC Berkeley), and Anne Price (Insight Center for Community Economic Development), this 90-minute roundtable will delve into systemic approaches […]

Mother’s Day Night Out At ShopHER

Union Station - 2nd Floor 50 Massachusetts Avenue Northeast, Washington, DC, United States

About this event Come and hear about the importance of self-care and take home some tips from two amazing moms and small business owners. This event will also include a Fashion Show - The ShopHER Fashion show will be held from 7:00 -7:20 pm. It will focus on spring/summer styles from the ShopHER businesses. RSVP […]

The Women in Housing and Finance Annual Symposium

Mayer Brown LLP 1999 K St NW, Washington

Join NCRC’s Marisa Calderon At The Women in Housing and Finance's 2022 Symposium: How Innovation In Housing & Finance Is Leading Us Into Another Roaring 20’s. This event will have a virtual option. The 2022 WHF Annual Symposium will include keynote remarks from Alanna McCargo, Ginnie Mae President and former WHF Foundation Board member. The […]

Building Alabama Reinvestment (BAR) Conference 2022

UAB Hilton Birmingham 808 20th St South, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join NCRC's Senior Advisor Josh Silver as he gives the keynote speech at the Building Alabama Reinvestment (BAR) Conference. The BAR Conference's mission is to create an atmosphere where community leaders and bankers can unite to discuss important issues and develop strategies to improve underserved communities, as well as serve low to moderate-income families. Register […]

Racial Equity Basics: An Actionable Plan Forward

Join NCRC's National Training Academy on May 16, 2022, 10 am- 3:30 pm ET for a virtual training on how to create an actionable plan for racial equity at your organization. Our society is amid two pandemics. We are slowly recovering from a health pandemic, as well as a racial pandemic, which has plagued our […]

NCRC Policy Agenda Briefing

Hear from NCRC's policy team about the talking points for our upcoming 2022 Advocacy Week. They will provide insight into the top policy priorities for NCRC and its members for the remainder of the 117th Congress. The session will help grow your policy knowledge and is the first step in preparing you for Advocacy Week. […]


A Candid Discussion on Microaggressions

Join NCRC’s National Training Academy on May 19, 2022, 2 - 3:30 pm ET for a webinar on how to have inclusive cultures in the workplace.  Microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that occur throughout everyday life – and their impact on people with marginalized identities. […]

Reaching for the Future with Technology

Join NCRC's Chief Communications and Marketing Officer Andrew Nachison at the Horasis Global Meeting online on May 19, 2022, 2:45 - 3:30 pm ET. Sustainable investing suggests aiding the poor, nurturing water supplies, raising food availability and better educating everyone. Businesses might have different priorities, by leveraging technology. How might the full spectrum of technology […]

Conference on Consumer Finance Law in Chicago

Loyola University Chicago School of Law 25 E Pearson St, Chicago, IL, United States

NCRC's General Counsel Brad Blower will speak on May 19 at the 2022 Frederick Fisher Memorial Program, sponsored by both the Conference on Consumer Finance Law as well as the American Bar Association. Register here About the Event: Fisher Program: Getting a Clearer Picture or Merely a Caricature? The Use of Alternative Data and Artificial […]