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2022 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference: Pursuing Racial Equity by Eliminating Barriers and Promoting Economic Access

Please join NCRC's Chief of Membership, Policy and Equity Dedrick Asante-Muhammad at the 2022 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference: Pursuing Racial Equity by Eliminating Barriers and Promoting Economic Access on March 15 at 10:15 am ET. Racial inequity prompted the introduction of the CRA to combat the effects of discriminatory practices embedded in the financial […]

Navigating Foreclosure Part III: Rebuilding After Foreclosure

Join NCRC's National Training Academy March 15 at 2 pm ET for Navigating Foreclosure Part III: Rebuilding After Foreclosure. For many homeowners, the tools utilized during the rebuilding phase are critical to their success and long-term stability. After foreclosure, counselors are tasked with using tools and resources to create a road map that will ultimately […]

27th Annual Consumer Financial Services Institute

Please join NCRC's General Counsel Brad Blower, who will be speaking at the 27th Annual Consumer Finance Services Institute on March 17. This program brings together faculty representing a wide range of perspectives ranging from federal and state regulatory and enforcement agency representatives to experienced defense, in house counsel and consumer advocates who will bring […]

ShopHER Winter Blowout Sale

Union Station - 2nd Floor 50 Massachusetts Avenue Northeast, Washington, DC, United States

Grab Last Season and Last Call items at reduced prices! We’ll have coffee and donuts for our VIP early bird shoppers who get first dibs on the great deals! Register here ShopHer is located at : Union Station - 2nd Floor 50 Massachusetts Avenue Northeast Washington, DC 20002

Virtual Learning: Navigating Eviction

Join NCRC's National Training Academy on March 21 - 23, 2022  10:00 am-3:30 pm ET for this virtual learning: Navigating Eviction. As a nation, we find ourselves facing the historic threat of mass residential evictions alongside a national health crisis. Although the ban on evictions has provided temporary relief to millions of Americans, recent data […]

Community Reinvestment Act Basics

Banks are critical community partners and can be a catalyst for change in your neighborhood, particularly when public resources shrink. Join us to learn about the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and explore how CRA can be used to increase reinvestment in your communities. This is crucial information for anyone working towards a Just Economy. Whether […]

Judicial and Non-Judicial Foreclosure Processes and Timelines

Join NCRC's National Training Academy on March 24 at 2 pm ET for the webinar: Judicial and Non-Judicial Foreclosure Processes and Timelines. This webinar is designed to provide a brief overview of strategies used to avoid foreclosure in the context of judicial and non-judicial foreclosure processes and timelines. Participants will learn the strategies that are […]

Foreclosure Counseling

Join NCRC's National Training Academy for the webinar: Foreclosure Counseling on March 30 at 2 pm ET. As housing counselors, we often meet with customers who seek assistance to avoid foreclosure. There are many kinds of foreclosures, and this 90-minute webinar provides a brief overview of six mortgage foreclosure counseling topics that counselors will appreciate […]

NCRC’s Fair Lending Tool Webinar

Join us to learn how to use NCRC's interactive Fair Lending Tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. NCRC's Director of Research, Jason Richardson, will walk us through the tool using data on the Detroit MSA, highlighting key […]

DCWBC – From Solopreneur to CEO: Build Your Business as an Emotionally Intelligent Leader

DC Women's Business Center From Solopreneur to CEO: Build Your Business as an Emotionally Intelligent Leader Register here Unlock the power of self-actualized emotional intelligence to transform your life and business. During three, 2-hour virtual workshops (April 11, 18 and the 25) from 11 am-1 pm ET – You will learn how to increase emotional […]

NCRC’s Jason Richardson at FHCCI’s 10th Annual Fair Housing Conference

The Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI) will hold its 10th Annual Fair Housing Conference on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. This year’s conference theme is Ten Years of Fair Housing: A Celebration and Call to Action. The conference will begin promptly at 9 am and is a VIRTUAL event. Paid registrants will receive a link […]

NCRC Legislative/Regulatory Call – April

This call is open to NCRC members only. It is a monthly call to share major updates on NCRC policy work around the CRA, CFPB, mergers, and other news affecting our coalition of members. Learn more about NCRC membership and how to join as a member here.  If you have any questions, want to become […]