Forbes: Finding Fintech Opportunities Where Others Don’t

Forbes, July 6, 2021, Finding Fintech Opportunities Where Others Don’t

The United States is a nation of immigrants. What was true over 200 years ago, remains the case to this day.

According to the Migration Policy Institute, almost 45 million immigrants lived in the United States in 2019. According to the Pew Research Center, this number is by far the highest in the world, representing almost ? of the world’s migrants. Notably, although certain media outlets may have you believing otherwise, the vast majority (almost 77%) are categorized as legal immigrants.

Waves of immigrants from different countries have defined centuries of cultural and industrial advancement. In the last quarter century, immigrants from Latin America have dominated these migration flows in the U.S. However, in spite of the fact that immigrants continue to comprise a large part of the population, they remain woefully underrepresented in the types of financial products and services being offered and developed.

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