Morning Consult: In Another Letter, Elizabeth Warren Again Presses Fed Nominee on Past Statements

Morning Consult, February 19, 2020: In Another Letter, Elizabeth Warren Again Presses Fed Nominee on Past Statements

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) pressed Judy Shelton again on her position on deposit insurance and what the Federal Reserve nominee believed was the cause of the 2008 financial crisis after the Democratic presidential candidate said Shelton’s responses to an earlier letter “require further clarification.”

Warren, Shelton’s most prominent detractor on the Senate Banking Committee, sharply criticized the nominee in a six-page letter dated Jan. 30, ahead of Shelton’s hearing last week, saying that Shelton has a “history of inaccurate and radical statements.”

More recently in a Feb. 13 letter, obtained by Morning Consult through her Senate office, Warren doubled down on her questioning of the Fed nominee with follow-up questions to Shelton’s written responses.

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