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National Neighbors Silver

The rapid aging of our population demands a national dialogue on what it takes for today’s seniors and future retirees to live with dignity and economic security. NCRC believes that access to quality banking services and adequate housing options is fundamental to aging in place.

National Neighbors Silver is a multi-year campaign to empower, organize and support economically vulnerable older adults. Combining advocacy, organizing and direct service the campaign promotes access to quality banking services and adequate housing for older adults. Working with the banking industry, the aging network and housing experts, National Neighbors Silver offers a platform for policy and program solutions to build economic security and preserve wealth for aging America.



Working with community-based partners and national allies, NCRC aims to develop a comprehensive policy agenda to build economic security for older adults focused on housing affordability, accessibility and fairness. At the same time, National Neighbors Silver is defining what it means for banks to responsibly serve older consumers.


NCRC aims to establish up to 15 local campaigns designed to educate and empower low- and moderate-income older adults. These National Neighbors Silver partners are working to identify pressing financial stressors facing older consumers and to motivate change by decision makers in the public and private sectors.

Direct Service

NCRC serves the needs of economically vulnerable older adults through its Housing Counseling Network and National Training Academy. Older adults and family caregivers who need housing help should call 1-800-475-NCRC to be connected to services. For its membership, NCRC offers a variety of skills and policy based trainings to facilitate organizing, advocacy, outreach and direct service to low- and moderate-income older adults.

Documentary Film

Fleeced: Speaking Out Against Senior Financial Abuse is a documentary from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and WFYI Public Media. The film presents real stories about the financial abuse of older adults. The film also reveals how they are fighting back, and becoming powerful advocates for themselves and others to help change the current landscape of economic security for older Americans.

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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Learning Group

NCRC launched the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Learning Group, as a result of interest expressed at the 2018 Just Economy Conference, to provide support to community-based organizations experiencing an uptick in older adults assuming primary caregiving of grandchildren or children with whom they have parenting responsibilities, acknowledging the unique challenges and barriers for older adults assuming this role due to various issues, namely the ongoing opioid epidemic.

Age-Friendly Banking

Age friendly banking is a set of recommendations that NCRC has developed for federal, state and industry stakeholders that will improve the financial system’s accessibility, responsiveness and safety for older adults.


Promoting Economic Equality in Later Life Through Innovative Solutions and Programs

The $20.83 Loan Red Flag


Older Adults, Banking and Financial Management During COVID-19


Federal Agency Strategies for Reducing Elder Fraud

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