Elisabeth Risch
Executive Director of Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) in Cincinnati, Ohio
Elisabeth Risch is the Executive Director of Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Greater Cincinnati (HOME), a fair housing organization working to eliminate illegal housing discrimination and promote stable, integrated communities. She began this role in April 2022. She came to HOME with over 12 years of leadership and expertise in fair housing at the Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing and Opportunity Council (EHOC), where she was most recently the Assistant Director.
A nationally-recognized expert in fair lending and redlining, she helped found and led the St. Louis Community Reinvestment Alliance, a coalition working to hold banks accountable to investing in low income communities and communities of color, resulting in Community Benefits Agreements with banks that developed new products, services and investments totaling over $5 billion in impact. She is currently on the Board of Directors for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC).
Elisabeth has a B.A. in Sociology and International Development Studies from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI, and a Masters in Social Work. from Washington University in St. Louis Brown School of Social Work, where she concentrated on policy and social and economic development.