
The Washington Post: Big banks want regulation eased because of coronavirus. Experts call it opportunistic.

The Washington Post, March 3, 2020: Big banks want regulation eased because of coronavirus. Experts call it opportunistic.

The country’s biggest banks are asking federal officials for long-sought regulatory relief as part of the government’s efforts to contain the economic fallout from the coronavirus, requests that experts lambasted as opportunistic and unnecessary.

The Bank Policy Institute — a lobbying group for big banks including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Citigroup — is recommending, among other things, that the Federal Reserve lower capital requirements and ease the periodic “stress tests” banks take to prove they can survive another economic crisis.

“The whole idea of capital requirements and stress-testing banks is to make sure they have enough cushion to absorb losses” during an economic crisis, [Jeremy] Kress said.

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