
Vox: Why police often single out trans people for violence

Vox, June 23, 2020: Why police often single out trans people for violence

“It really was like a culmination of a million different factors,” Mateo de la Torre, director of policy and advocacy at Black and Pink, which offers aid and support to LGBTQ prisoners of color, told Vox. “That’s why this system doesn’t work and it is not meant to produce safety.”

A lack of employment and housing protections throughout most of the country contributes to financial insecurity for BIPOC trans women. According to a 2017 survey by New York City’s Anti-Violence Project, transgender New Yorkers were more likely to have a college degree than the general population, but just 45% of them have full-time jobs. Overall, transgender workers are more likely to be unemployed compared to their cisgender counterparts, and 34% of Black trans women face housing insecurity compared to just 9% of non-Black trans people.

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