WEAU News: Affordable housing crisis affects local community member

WEAU News, February 23, 2020: Affordable housing crisis affects local community member

Only 10% of all people in Eau Claire that are in need of housing are actually being housed, according to JONAH of the Chippewa Valley Affordable Housing Task Force.

Anne Brown is one of the many people being affected by the affordable housing crisis in Eau Claire.

“I became homeless in August of 2018,” Brown said.

Because of health issues, the 62-year old, former attorney had to close her office in 2012, eventually leading her to become homeless.

“I lived in my jeep for that month with my dog Ace,” Brown said.

Now, Brown is living off of her Social Security Disability payments.

“My income is now $1,077 per month, which according to guidelines, would mean that I could afford a $300 a month apartment which included utility costs,” Brown said. “Obviously there isn’t anything in Eau Claire or anywhere else probably in the country that fits those criteria.”

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