
Sfgate: Some majority Black and Latino Bay Area neighborhoods have more lead contamination than Flint, Michigan

Sfagte, February 21, 2022, Some majority Black and Latino Bay Area neighborhoods have more lead contamination than Flint, Michigan

Oakland, which has one of the highest concentrations of children under the age of six in the Bay Area, has been fighting to escape the Bay Area’s toxic legacy: lead paint, a material that is still so prevalent, it’s poisoned more children in some Oakland neighborhoods than Flint, Michigan, at the height of its water crisis.

According to a report published by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, which ranked cities on gentrification using data collected from 2013 to 2017, Oakland and San Francisco are the most gentrified cities in the U.S. And since West Oakland, East Oakland and Chinatown are designated as “opportunity zones” — low-income areas that the city is rewarding people to invest in — local officials are opening the floodgates for development.

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