Affordable homeownership: Organizing to create inventory and preserve affordability

The affordable home inventory shortage is a high priority issue for communities, builders, realtors and almost everyone involved in the housing industry, and yet we have not found a way to comprehensively address the problem. There are local, state and federal aspects that need to be addressed. There is a growing need to work between, in and among these interest groups that has to be thought through and executed. Hear how leaders from each of these markets and communities are focusing their organizations’ attention to work together with NCRC and its members, and how a growing alliance is committed to shelving differences in favor of unified action.

Bethany Sanchez, Director, Fair Lending Program, Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council, Milwaukee, WI, NCRC Board Member

Ed Gorman, Chief of Community Development, NCRC, Washington, DC
Terri Lee, Deputy Commission, City of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
Jim Tobin, Vice President of Government Affairs, National Association of Home Builders, Washington, DC

Bethany Sanchez
Bethany Sanchez – Powerpoint on TRM for NCRC conference 2019.pptx

Ed Gorman
Jasmine Brewer – Affordable Homeownership_Gorman_2019.ppt

Jim Tobin
Jasmine Brewer – Tobin_Affordable Homeownership_Conference.pptx

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