Business Insider: Homeownership is the one bright spot in building Hispanic generational wealth

Business Insider, February 26, 2022, Homeownership is the one bright spot in building Hispanic generational wealth

The median income of Hispanic households was $56,113 in 2019, according to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. The organization said the rate was 30% less than white households’ median income of $76,057. Since 1983,  Hispanic households’ median net worth has hovered between 2% and 6% of the wealth of non-Hispanic white households, the NCRC said.

“Hispanics median household income of $56,000 leaves little for nonessential expenses like investments that are wealth building,” said Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, NCRC’s chief of membership, policy, and equity. “This paired with a lack of wealth in the community as a whole maintains deep racial/ethnic wealth inequality.”

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