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Casita Coalition: 2023 Build the Middle National Housing Convening

NCRC's Chief of Community Finance and Mobility Marisa Calderon will be speaking at Casita Coalition's inaugural policy convening. This gathering will also feature interactive breakout sessions on some of the most pressing middle housing topics led by a diverse set of cross-sector housing changemakers. Calderon will be speaking in the session titled "Creating the Financial […]

The New Community Reinvestment Act Rule: What’s In It & What Will It Mean

Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr, Chairman of the FDIC's board of directors Martin Gruenberg, and Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu will join NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol for a discussion of the newly released Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rule. CRA plays a vital role in ensuring that banks […]

National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders: 2023 Annual Policy & Practice Conference

NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol will participate on a panel entitled "CRA Stakeholder Perspectives" at the NAAHL/CCL Policy & Practice Conference on November 8, 3:45-4:30 pm ET, in Washington, DC. NAAHL is the only national alliance of banks, CDFIs, and other capital providers dedicated to expanding economic opportunity by financing affordable housing and […]

Wolters Kluwer: CRA and Fair Lending Colloquium

Join NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol as he provides the keynote address for Wolters Kluwer's 27th Annual CRA and Fair Lending Colloquium, to be held in Austin, TX, at the JW Marriott. The 2023 CRA & Fair Lending Colloquium will include over 1,000 compliance professionals, regulators and other industry experts. Learn about the latest […]

Fintech Innovations For Entrepreneurs

Can smart applications of financial technology give small businesses a competitive edge? Check out innovative products that allow small businesses to more efficiently manage capital flow and to provide valuable benefits to their employees with minimal cost. Hear from the entrepreneurs behind these products directly, and consider how they might help the businesses you serve. […]

Community Reinvestment Act Final Rule Deep Dive

Join NCRC for a members-only deep dive on the recently released Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rule.  We asked you what you needed from NCRC around the final rule, and we’re using your input to help shape this conversation.  Join us as we discuss: Speakers: Kevin Hill, Senior Policy Advisor, NCRC Catherine Crosby, Chief of Community Engagement […]


Join NCRC member Community Reinvestment Alliance of Florida for an empowering workshop designed to deepen your understanding of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). NCRC's Senior CRA Analyst Catherine Petrusz will be presenting. Here's what you can expect: Understand the history of CRA. Understand how CRA is implemented, and some issues with enforcement. This section will […]


Redlining The Reservation

Citizens on tribal lands live starkly different lives from Americans living in other areas, with limited quality-of-life necessities like electricity, fresh water, sanitation and heating and cooling systems for housing. Learn how tribal areas have been cut out of the financial system, and what can be done about it in our webinar "Redlining the Reservation" […]

Remaking the Economy: Building Regional Solidarity Economies

How do we build regional economies rooted in community ownership? As Stacey Sutton wrote to introduce an NPQ article series last fall on "Solidarity Economies—Building Community Power," the growth of solidarity economy organizations across the country over the last decade has been “somewhat astounding.” In this webinar, cosponsored by the New Economy Coalition, we  build on the contributions from that […]

Fast Track To Certification

Instructor: Siddeequah "Sid" Alvarado Preparing for the HUD Housing Counseling Exam can be daunting when tackling it on your own. Research shows that working together in a collaborative environment allows individuals to learn the material better than when working alone. Join other housing counselors in this virtual experience where peer discussion, exploration of the six […]

Habitat for Humanity’s 2024 Affiliate Conference

Habitat for Humanity's 2024 Affiliate Conference is March 4-7 in Atlanta, Georgia. NCRC's Senior Policy Advisor Kevin Hill will be speaking on the panel, "The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA): What is it? How Can Affiliates Use It to Increase Production?" Panel DescriptionThe Community Reinvestment Act, or CRA, is a federal law designed to encourage commercial […]

Funding The Dream: Access To Capital For Georgia Small Businesses

Looking to take your business to the next level with secure funding? Join the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and Small Business Majority for a free webinar focused on funding options for small businesses. Their expert speakers will guide you through the various funding options available, helping you determine the right choice for your business. […]