HuffPost: D.C. bill would make go-go the ‘official music’ of the gentrifying district

HuffPost, June 7, 2019: D.C. bill would make Go-Go the ‘official music’ of the gentrifying district

A city council member in Washington, D.C., has introduced legislation that would make go-go music the District of Columbia’s “official” music, as community members continue ongoing efforts to protect the gentrifying city’s black culture.

The new legislation comes months after a clash over the presence of go-go music at a famed D.C. intersection ignited a series of rallies and protests to protect the city’s indigenous music.

Go-go, which combines elements of funk, soul and other styles, has long been a staple of D.C.’s history.

While the demonstrations successfully returned the sounds of go-go music back to the intersection, grassroots organizers have continued to address what they say is the underlying issue regarding the go-go intersection debacle: the effects gentrification has on the city’s black businesses, black culture and racial profiling.

A March study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition identified D.C. as having the highest percentage of gentrifying neighborhoods in the U.S., with an estimation that 20,000 black residents were displaced between 2000 and 2013.

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