Reveal: You had questions about modern-day redlining. We have answers

Reveal, March 27, 2018: You have questions about modern-day redlining. We have answer

As part of Reveal’s multiplatform investigation into modern-day redlining, we deployed a text messaging tool last month to offer localized data to listeners across the United States and collect their feedback and questions.

We call the tool Amplify. It allows us to connect directly with you and send you resources (documents, photos, maps) that complement the reporting.

Since the episode came out on Feb. 17, roughly 6,500 listeners have engaged with our reporters through Amplify. Of those, more than 2,000 posed questions about redlining.

Reporters Byard Duncan, Aaron Glantz and Emmanuel Martinez combed through these questions and answered some of the most common ones below. For more specific questions, Glantz and Martinez tackled them one by one in our studio. (Watch the video in the full post.)

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