Learning & Training

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition provides online and in-person training, webinars and technical assistance to organizations committed to increasing local access to credit, capital and affordable homeownership.

Our webinars and instructor-led courses cover capacity-building needs, such as effective coalition building and HUD certification for housing counselors, and fundamentals on a wide range of topics, such as the Community Reinvestment Act, fair lending and fair housing laws, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), Homeownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA) and more.

Other topics include:

  1. Housing Counseling Program Management
  2. Community Reinvestment Strategies
  3. Utilizing HMDA Insights
  4. Comprehensive Financial Counseling
  5. Essential Rental Counseling
  6. Strategic Home Buying Education
  7. Branding Strategies
  8. Community Programs for Mortgage and Eviction Diversion

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Upcoming/Featured Courses

Housing counselors are like the first responders and essential workers of the housing community. But many people, including those newly introduced to the housing counseling profession, do not fully understand exactly what housing counseling is. This Housing Counseling Basics course is designed to provide a broad overview of the housing counseling program. The course will provide participants with historical context, foundational elements, and the framework of the housing counseling program from HUD’s perspective. Topics to be discuss throughout the course include HUD’s purpose and definition of housing counseling; basic principles of housing counseling; responsibilities of Housing Counselors and the key elements of a successful Housing Counselor. The predominant theme of the course is to explain the fundamentals of the program during its inception, all while highlighting the relevance of the program for today’s consumer.

Register for this and additional upcoming courses in our online learning hub.