The Columbus Dispatch: Affordable housing, internet access and planning apps on Ginther’s 2019 agenda

The Columbus Dispatch, January 31st, 2019: Affordable housing, internet access and planning apps on Ginther’s 2019 agenda

Mayor Andrew J. Ginther pointed to a future Columbus that is growing and affordable while highlighting the city’s past successes in his State of the City address Thursday.

In the next year, the city plans to invest millions in affordable housing, help bring internet access to residents in poor neighborhoods and launch apps that consolidate trip planning across modes of transportation and make it easier for pregnant women to arrange rides.

After breaking from the traditional State of the City format in 2017 to host several panels in Columbus neighborhoods, Ginther returned to a traditional speech Thursday night inside a packed East High School auditorium.

“In my previous State of the City addresses, I committed to make Columbus America’s opportunity city, to tackling our most pressing challenges and making tangible, long-lasting changes to lift up Columbus neighborhoods and move our city forward together,” he said. “We have. And we are. And I am proud to tell you tonight that the state of our city is strong.”