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Nuts & Bolts Of One-On-One Counseling

It is not uncommon for new counselors to possess the subject-matter knowledge on topics covered in a housing counseling session, but how do you convey that information to consumers in a one-on-one housing counseling session with confidence? Many new counselors report not being as confident as they would like to be when facilitating a one-on-one […]

Faster Payments Council’s 2022 Fall Member Meeting

The Fall Member Meeting will bring together FPC members for two days filled with presentations on the most pressing issues in faster payments, panel discussions with industry experts, roundtables on timely topics, and engaging networking opportunities. NCRC's Senior Policy Advisor Adam Rust will be speaking at the panel titled "Faster Payments for Financial Inclusion of […]

Remaking the Economy: Owning Our Future

How do we create an economy in which ownership is truly shared and in which we all co-own the future? To addresses this question, four authors from NPQ’s summer economic justice magazine on Owning Our Economy, Owning Our Future will challenge us to rethink how to structure ownership at the level of culture, the nonprofit […]

Emotional Intelligence – The Number One Factor To Success in Diverse Setting

Having a high level of emotional intelligence doesn't just benefit you in a workplace setting – it can positively impact many aspects of your life. For example, emotional intelligence increases one's ability to make sound decisions, build and sustain collaborative relationships, deal effectively with stress, and cope with constant change. Emotional intelligence in the workplace […]

Housing Finance Strategies conference

Over the course of a day-and-a-half, #HousingDC22 delivers year-long value with expert insights into the intersection of housing policy, regulation and technology. Join Housing Finance Strategies stream live from Washington, DC, for a virtual conference focused on the key legislative, regulatory and business issues in financial services. NCRC's General Counsel Brad Blower will be speaking on the […]

High Performing Organizations Have Level 5 Leaders

All high-performing organizations have a Level 5 leader. “Level 5” is the highest level in a hierarchy of executive capabilities that can guide an organization from good to great. A Level 5 leader directs, guides, and influences the behavior of members of the team to accomplish organizational goals. Leaders are also visionaries and motivate the […]

Trauma Informed Care For Direct Services

70% of adults have been impacted by trauma. It’s important to note that “adults” includes the clients whom you serve, as well as the team members within your organization. In response to the growing awareness of the impact of trauma on individuals’ thoughts, emotional responses, relationships and decision making it’s become the expectation, not the […]


2022 Housing Oregon Industry Support Conference & Annual Awards Night Gala

NCRC's Senior Organizing Advisor Jerry Kellman and CRA Coordinator Catherine Petrusz will be speaking at a two-part workshop at the 2022 Housing Oregon Industry Support Conference & Annual Awards Night Gala. Community Reinvestment and Housing, Part One: Lines Of Credit For Acquisition, Development and Pre-Development Financing  Lending to CDC’s and other nonprofit housing developers has […]

Advancing Health Equity in Communities

Building wealth isn’t just about saving money or improving access to credit. A growing body of literature demonstrates that economic well-being is intrinsically tied to social, mental, physical and environmental health. Economic stability and the built environment has direct ramification on a person’s health. Inversely, health inequities then reinforce individual and family economic instability. Health […]

Financial Equity Summit

Massachusetts Community & Banking Council's inaugural summit is a two-day event on October 3 and 4 with local and national speakers focusing on closing our racial wealth gap in Massachusetts and the nation. Join us in thinking proactively about how best to deliver financial services to lower-income consumers in an ever-changing landscape. On Monday from […]

Root Cause coalition summit

Join NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol, NCRC Board Chair Catherine Crosby, and fellow panel members at the Root Cause Coalition Summit, October 4, 2022. They will discuss how the pandemic brought front-and-center discriminatory policies such as redlining. This session will discuss how leveraging cross sector partnerships can reverse the impact of these policies […]