NCRC Mourns the Passing of Julian Bond

Washington, DC –  Today, in reaction to the passing of civil rights leader Julian Bond, NCRC President and CEO John Taylor made the following statement:

“We have lost one of the great leaders of the civil rights movement and a great man. Julian Bond was an ever-present voice of fairness and reason. He will be sorely missed.”

“From his role in the passage of the Voting Rights Act, to his work on South Africa, to his recent efforts to promote DC statehood and protect voting rights, he never gave up and he never backed down. He was resolute in the pursuit of civil rights and fairness for all.”  

“The lesson he shared is to always fight for what is right. For his whole life, Julian Bond fought the good fight. His commitment to justice was unwavering. He was always generous with his time, imparting his wisdom on many current and future leaders. He was a humble, tender, and loyal man, who touched and inspired many.”

“His clarity of vision will continue to guide us as we fight for fairness and economic justice. At a time when much of the progress he fought for is under attack, it is critical that we all carry on the mantle of his work.”


About the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC): The National Community Reinvestment Coalition is an association of more than 600 community-based organizations that promote access to basic banking services, including credit and savings, to create and sustain affordable housing, job development, and vibrant communities for America’s working families.

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