Workforce Development

Building Skills, Empowering Futures

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Workforce development is about creating opportunities for individuals to gain the skills and knowledge they need to build successful and meaningful careers. At NCRC, we work with our member organizations to grow and develop new and existing workforce programs and partnerships. We provide technical assistance and services to support grant writing, program design, implementation and evaluation.

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For additional information on the Workforce Development Program or how to develop a workforce development initiative locally.

Pathways to Economic Mobility
for Single Mothers

Single mothers, and more specifically single mothers of color, face systemic barriers in paying for basic necessities, such as affordable housing, transportation and healthy foods. They often rely on social safety net programs to get by, as they navigate between working multiple jobs and providing for their children. Community development practitioners have the opportunity to improve the ecosystem of services available to single mothers. By adopting an holistic, asset mobility framework, practitioners can help single mothers acquire wealth assets and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

NCRC is partnering with anti-hunger and anti-poverty nonprofit, Share our Strength, to explore how community development practitioners can alleviate economic stressors faced by single mothers that lead to hunger among families and foster a reliance on social safety net programs. Collectively, the partnership will target housing, small business and workforce development organizations to:

  • Assess how their existing service lines assist single mothers in accessing the necessary resources to secure flexible incomes and other wealth-building assets
  • Identify promising practices that housing, small business and workforce organizations can implement to create a more inclusive ecosystem of services for single mothers
  • Design a scalable approach for assisting community development practitioners to improve their programs and achieve greater, desired impact on wealth outcomes for single mothers.

Make. Shift. Happen.

Reimagining Economic Freedom for Single Mothers of Color

In 2023, NCRC created its inaugural community of practice, “Make. Shift. Happen.: Reimagining Economic Freedom for Single Mothers of Color,”  a cohort composed of community development practitioners from housing, small business and workforce development organizations across six states: California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio and Virginia. In Summer 2023, NCRC hosted an immersive two day, in-person convening for cohort members to collaborate and explore opportunities and solutions to address the challenges in serving the needs of single mothers in wealth/asset building.

Meet NCRC’s 2023 Make. Shift. Happen. Cohort