
Press Releases

For interviews and other media requests, contact: media@ncrc.org

NCRC Urges Senate Committee to Pressure OCC, FDIC to Drop Proposed Changes to CRA

On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs is scheduled to conduct a virtual hearing on the oversight of financial regulators, with testimony from Office of the Comptroller of Currency’s (OCC) Comptroller Joseph Otting and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Jelena McWilliams.

NCRC Urges Senate Committee to Pressure OCC, FDIC to Drop Proposed Changes to CRA Read More »

NCRC, Prosperity Now Call on Congress, Trump Administration for Additional Relief Efforts

Even as the Trump Administration and Congress take important but limited steps in a fourth stimulus bill to replenish funding for the Payroll Protection Program, much more must be on the table in the coming weeks for U.S. households, including homeowners, renters and the nation’s smallest enterprises, to not only prop up the U.S. economy but to ensure a reasonable economic recovery.

NCRC, Prosperity Now Call on Congress, Trump Administration for Additional Relief Efforts Read More »

In Response to Groups’ Demand, OCC Releases Log of Comptroller Otting’s Calls With Bank Execs on Gutting of Anti-Redlining Rules

Administration Filed Log on the Last Day of the CRA Comment Period, Continues to Withhold Key Details and Substance of Communications from the Public. Democracy Forward, Community Development Orgs Call Out OCC’s Hollow Claims to Accountability, File Request for Full Records.

In Response to Groups’ Demand, OCC Releases Log of Comptroller Otting’s Calls With Bank Execs on Gutting of Anti-Redlining Rules Read More »

NCRC, Democracy Forward Sue Trump Administration for Withholding Data on Proposed Weakening of Community Reinvestment Act Protections

Missing Records Include Data and Analysis Cited in OCC and FDIC’s Plan, Which, if Adopted, Would Reduce Investment in Low- and Moderate-Income Communities

NCRC, Democracy Forward Sue Trump Administration for Withholding Data on Proposed Weakening of Community Reinvestment Act Protections Read More »

National and Community Groups Call on FDIC, OCC to Suspend CRA Rulemaking for COVID-19

A diverse coalition of community-based organizations called on the OCC and the FDIC to immediately suspend the comment period for the proposed changes to CRA until after the health and financial crisis brought on by the coronavirus global pandemic is over.

National and Community Groups Call on FDIC, OCC to Suspend CRA Rulemaking for COVID-19 Read More »

NCRC Applauds Federal Reserve, FDIC, OCC Efforts to Expand CRA Credit for Activities in Response to COVID-19

Today, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) released a joint statement providing guidance to financial institutions on how they can receive credit on their Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) activities to low- and moderate-income people and communities affected by the coronavirus. 

NCRC Applauds Federal Reserve, FDIC, OCC Efforts to Expand CRA Credit for Activities in Response to COVID-19 Read More »

NCRC Applauds Congress and Trump Administration Efforts to Keep People in Their Homes, But More Needs to Be Done

“Today, we saw Congress and President Trump take important steps to protect Americans against both health and economic repercussions of COVID-19….this is a great first step, but there will need to be others,” said Jesse Van Tol, CEO of NCRC.

NCRC Applauds Congress and Trump Administration Efforts to Keep People in Their Homes, But More Needs to Be Done Read More »

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