
Press Releases

For interviews and other media requests, contact: media@ncrc.org

Consumer Advocate Groups Call on FDIC to Reject Ford Credit’s ILC Charter Application

Ford Motor Company should be denied deposit insurance for its proposed new Ford Credit industrial loan company (ILC) charter, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), the National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its low-income clients), Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund, and the Center for Responsible Lending wrote to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Consumer Advocate Groups Call on FDIC to Reject Ford Credit’s ILC Charter Application Read More »

Call for 2023 Just Economy Conference Session Ideas

Add your voice and expertise to the 2023 Just Economy Conference. The conference takes place March 29-30, 2023, in Washington, DC, and is preceded by NCRC’s member-only Hill Day on March 28.  This is the national event for community, business, foundation, policy and government leaders who want a nation that not only promises but delivers

Call for 2023 Just Economy Conference Session Ideas Read More »

NCRC To Regulators: Act Now To Establish A Coherent Regulatory Regime For Digital Assets

Regulators should act expeditiously to protect consumers who hold digital assets, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) wrote to the Treasury Department in a comment filed Monday. “We are past the point of speculating that digital assets might end up hurting people someday. Consumers are being hurt now, so it is important that regulators act

NCRC To Regulators: Act Now To Establish A Coherent Regulatory Regime For Digital Assets Read More »

$24 Million Settlement Of Modern-Day Redlining Case In Philadelphia Shows Government Takes Lending Discrimination Seriously

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) on Wednesday applauded a $24 million settlement to punish serious intentional discrimination and redlining in the Philadelphia area, and urged the courts to endorse disciplinary action against Berkshire-Hathaway subsidiary Trident Mortgage Company proposed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). “Lending discrimination is a

$24 Million Settlement Of Modern-Day Redlining Case In Philadelphia Shows Government Takes Lending Discrimination Seriously Read More »

NCRC To Regulators: Reject Bank Mergers That Do Not Show Benefits To The Public

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) filed a comment asserting that reviews of bank mergers must place a greater emphasis on the needs of the public.  The Bank Merger Act specifically stipulates that bank mergers must benefit the public. Yet as mergers have halved the number of banks in the United States over the past

NCRC To Regulators: Reject Bank Mergers That Do Not Show Benefits To The Public Read More »

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