
In the News

Links to media coverage of NCRC.
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Framingham Source: Senators Warren & Markey Re-Introduce Legislation To Confront America’s Housing Crisis

Last week Unites States Senators reintroduced the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act to help bring down costs for renters and buyers, level the playing field so working families everywhere can find a decent place to live at a decent price, reduce exclusionary zoning laws, and take a step towards addressing the effects of decades of housing discrimination on communities of color.

Framingham Source: Senators Warren & Markey Re-Introduce Legislation To Confront America’s Housing Crisis Read More »

Indianapolis Recorder: Report recommends Indy gets more aggressive to ensure equitable development, prevent displacement

A report released by the Department of Metropolitan Development and a national nonprofit recommends the city enact policies such as making the new rent assistance program permanent and supporting the development of community land trusts to prevent displacement.

Indianapolis Recorder: Report recommends Indy gets more aggressive to ensure equitable development, prevent displacement Read More »

Zillow Research: Housing Gains Could Increase Black Wealth More than Half a Trillion Dollars by 2031

The Black-white wealth gap has widened over the past decade-plus: The typical Black household currently has less than a quarter (23.3%) of the wealth of a typical white household, down from more than a third (34.6%) before the Great Recession.

Zillow Research: Housing Gains Could Increase Black Wealth More than Half a Trillion Dollars by 2031 Read More »

ABA Banking Journal: OCC Conditionally Approves National Bank Charter Application for Crypto Firm Paxos

The OCC today granted conditional approval for a national trust bank charter to New York-based Paxos National Trust. Paxos—a cryptocurrency firm that proposed to provide “a range of services associated with digital assets” including custody services—will operate as an non-depository trust bank.

ABA Banking Journal: OCC Conditionally Approves National Bank Charter Application for Crypto Firm Paxos Read More »

Forbes: 3 Major Banks Plan More Branch Closings As Thousands Shutter—In U.S. And U.K.—Amid Covid, Digital Growth

The move toward expanded digital services, pressures arising from the pandemic and a desire to cut costs has led to thousands of bank branches to close on both sides of the Atlantic, a pattern that seems irreversible to many observers.

Forbes: 3 Major Banks Plan More Branch Closings As Thousands Shutter—In U.S. And U.K.—Amid Covid, Digital Growth Read More »

Cleaver House: Cleaver, Warren Lead Coalition to Reintroduce Historic Legislation to Confront America’s Housing Crisis

Bicameral Legislation Would Produce Nearly 3 Million New Housing Units, Reduce Rents by 10% with No Deficit Impact; Bill Marks Important Step to Address the Racial Wealth Gap and Reduce Exclusionary Zoning Laws

Cleaver House: Cleaver, Warren Lead Coalition to Reintroduce Historic Legislation to Confront America’s Housing Crisis Read More »

CUToday: NAFCU Joins With Other Groups in Raising Concerns Over GSEs’ Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements

NAFCU has joined with several other trade groups in repeating concerns to the Treasury Department and Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) over recent amendments to the government-sponsored enterprises’ (GSEs) Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements (PSPAs).

CUToday: NAFCU Joins With Other Groups in Raising Concerns Over GSEs’ Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements Read More »

Time: ‘Haunted Countries Deserve Haunted Stories.’ How America’s History of Racial Housing Discrimination Inspired Amazon’s New Horror Series THEM

Set against the backdrop of 1950s Los Angeles, the first season of THEM, subtitled Covenant, examines the impact of discriminatory housing practices like restrictive covenants and redlining that actively shut out minority communities from majority-white areas.

Time: ‘Haunted Countries Deserve Haunted Stories.’ How America’s History of Racial Housing Discrimination Inspired Amazon’s New Horror Series THEM Read More »

ABA Banking Journal: Your Fair and Responsible Banking Program in 2021 and Beyond

ABA Banking Journal, January 19,2021, Your Fair and Responsible Banking Program in 2021 and Beyond Here are ways for compliance professionals to promote equity and financial inclusion while building a robust fair lending program and demonstrating compliance. In July 2020, a study was released by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition regarding Paycheck Protection Program loans that

ABA Banking Journal: Your Fair and Responsible Banking Program in 2021 and Beyond Read More »

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