
In the News

Links to media coverage of NCRC.
To request an interview with NCRC experts, send a note to: media@ncrc.org.

The Root: The Color of Money: How Black Banks Build Black Economic Mobility

“This is something that thought leaders, Black leaders, like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and W.E.B. DuBois—all of them have talked about this concept. It’s what led to black Wall Street,” said Sabrina Terry, the director of strategy and development at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC).

The Root: The Color of Money: How Black Banks Build Black Economic Mobility Read More »

Pittsburg Post-Gazette: Another Hurdle In Pandemic Recovery: Split Between Banking Regulators On Community Development

That law is “the thumb on the scale that gets banks to take a second look at the kind of financing these communities need,” said Gerron Levi?, senior director of government affairs for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

Pittsburg Post-Gazette: Another Hurdle In Pandemic Recovery: Split Between Banking Regulators On Community Development Read More »

Vox: The Paycheck Protection Program Failed Many Black-Owned Businesses

A study from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition that examined PPP loan applications captured specific examples of these biases. In some instances, it found that Black business owners with a comparable financial profile as white ones were less likely to be told that they met the qualifications needed for a loan.

Vox: The Paycheck Protection Program Failed Many Black-Owned Businesses Read More »

Morning Brew: Regulators Propose Changes to 1977 Community Reinvestment Act

The CRA followed the 1968 Fair Housing Act in (theoretically) ending redlining and encouraging banks to extend credit to low- and moderate-income (LMI) neighborhoods. Rather than establish another expensive federal program, “the genius of the CRA is that it was designed from its inception to tap into the financial might of the banking industry,” the National Community Reinvestment Coalition writes.

Morning Brew: Regulators Propose Changes to 1977 Community Reinvestment Act Read More »

Milwaukee Independent: The Suburban Response To Protesters Masks A Century Of Housing Discrimination In Milwaukee

According to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, “Neighborhoods considered high risk or “Hazardous” were often “redlined” by lending institutions, denying them access to capital investment which could improve the housing and economic opportunity of residents…HOLC examiners consulted with local bank loan officers, city officials, appraisers, and realtors to create “Residential Security” maps of cities.

Milwaukee Independent: The Suburban Response To Protesters Masks A Century Of Housing Discrimination In Milwaukee Read More »

Democrat and Chronicle: Report Ties Redlining in Rochester City Neighbourhoods to Susceptibility to COVID

The report by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition shows that life expectancies vary in Rochester by about five years between redlined and high-rated neighborhoods, according to government classifications dating from the 1930s.

Democrat and Chronicle: Report Ties Redlining in Rochester City Neighbourhoods to Susceptibility to COVID Read More »

The Detroit News: Kamala Harris’ Claims on COVID-19 Businesses Loans Not Whole Truth

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition, an organization that works to promote investment in underserved communities, said in July the federal government’s data was “so flawed it is virtually useless to assess if there was any bias in how the money was distributed or how much money went to specific communities.”

The Detroit News: Kamala Harris’ Claims on COVID-19 Businesses Loans Not Whole Truth Read More »

WESA: Residents of Historically Redlined Neighborhoods May Experience More COVID-19 Risk Factors

“This is very literally structural racism where it was built into the structure of American cities, into the housing structure and the neighborhood structure of American cities, and that’s something that persists over a very long time,” says Bruce Mitchell, a senior researcher with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition

WESA: Residents of Historically Redlined Neighborhoods May Experience More COVID-19 Risk Factors Read More »

Politico: Fed aims to lay groundwork for interagency CRA overhaul

National Community Reinvestment Coalition head Jesse Van Tol, whose organization is suing the OCC over its CRA rule, said the Fed “doesn’t appear to introduce new problems” through its approach, in contrast to its fellow regulator.

“Also unlike the OCC rule, which had something for everyone to hate, this proposal has something for everyone to like,” he added. “That’s not to say everyone will love where they’re headed, but for those who don’t love it, I expect it to go down like cough syrup as opposed to like a s— sandwich (the OCC rule).”

Politico: Fed aims to lay groundwork for interagency CRA overhaul Read More »

The Diamond Back: For those raised in College Park’s Lakeland, the wounds left by its destruction remain

Today, gentrification disproportionately affects African Americans, as well as other minority groups in urban areas, in the effort to increase property values. According to a study done by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, from 2000 to 2013, 20,000 African Americans were displaced from their homes in Washington, D.C.

The Diamond Back: For those raised in College Park’s Lakeland, the wounds left by its destruction remain Read More »

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