
On Our Radar

A curated collection of links to news, analysis, trends, ideas and views from elsewhere.

The Washington Post: Abrupt change to census deadline could result in an undercount of Latino and Black communities

“Folks are actually terrified of what a full count of Latinos can mean. But we’re not going anywhere. This is our country. We are American as everyone else. This fight doesn’t keep me up at night, it wakes me up every morning,” she said. “I want to make sure that I can take that political potential and turn it into political will.”

The Washington Post: Abrupt change to census deadline could result in an undercount of Latino and Black communities Read More »

Los Angeles Times: Thousands of online listings are violating L.A.’s new short-term rental law

In addition to thousands of unregistered listings, The Times’ analysis found that more than 400 hosts listed two or more entire L.A. homes or apartments as short-term rentals on Airbnb in June. Doing so raises questions about whether they are violating the rule that limits each host to renting out their own primary residence.

Los Angeles Times: Thousands of online listings are violating L.A.’s new short-term rental law Read More »

Banking Dive: As Congress scrambles to extend PPP, loan data casts light on inequality

Black-owned small businesses are closing at nearly twice the rate of small businesses overall, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found in a study published Tuesday. Data show a 41% drop in active Black-owned small businesses between February and April, compared with a 22% decline overall. Meanwhile, the number of active Latin business owners fell 32%, while Asian business owners declined 26% and white business owners, 17%.

Banking Dive: As Congress scrambles to extend PPP, loan data casts light on inequality Read More »

The Atlantic: Is This the Beginning of the End of American Racism?

trump’s denials of his racism will never stop. He will continue to claim that he loves people of color, the very people his policies harm. He will continue to call himself “not racist,” and turn the descriptive term racist back on anyone who has the temerity to call out his own prejudice. Trump clearly hopes that racist ideas—paired with policies designed to suppress the vote—will lead to his reelection. But now that Trump has pushed a critical mass of Americans to a point where they can no longer explain away the nation’s sins, the question is what those Americans will do about it.

The Atlantic: Is This the Beginning of the End of American Racism? Read More »

The New York Times: How Decades of Racist Housing Policy Left Neighborhoods Sweltering

Redlined neighborhoods, which remain lower-income and more likely to have Black or Hispanic residents, consistently have far fewer trees and parks that help cool the air. They also have more paved surfaces, such as asphalt lots or nearby highways, that absorb and radiate heat.

The New York Times: How Decades of Racist Housing Policy Left Neighborhoods Sweltering Read More »

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