
On Our Radar

A curated collection of links to news, analysis, trends, ideas and views from elsewhere.

The Rivard Report: TechTonics: Jordana Barton on the Digital Divide and the Threat to Economic Justice

Instead of lacking streets, power, and water, as the residents of the former colonias often did, now the residents of Benavides and other former shantytowns are being left out of the middle class because they lack high-speed internet access – which Barton calls “a platform for access to the economy.”

The Rivard Report: TechTonics: Jordana Barton on the Digital Divide and the Threat to Economic Justice Read More »

The Washington Post: New U.N. Climate Report: Monumental Change Already Here for World’s Oceans and Frozen Regions

“Even our language has to adapt: What once was called ‘climate change’ is now truly a ‘climate crisis.’ … We are seeing unprecedented temperatures, unrelenting storms and undeniable science.”

The Washington Post: New U.N. Climate Report: Monumental Change Already Here for World’s Oceans and Frozen Regions Read More »

CURBED: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Latest Legislation? Housing Justice for All

Ocasio-Cortez’s housing bill, titled the “A Place to Prosper Act,” would seek to use new regulations, publicizing the performance of large landlords, and targeted investments in tenants’ rights to improve the affordability and accessibility of our housing system, and create a more equitable and stable rental housing market.

CURBED: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Latest Legislation? Housing Justice for All Read More »

Los Angeles Times: My father was IBM’s first black software engineer. The racism he fought persists in the high-tech world today

“Garbage in, garbage out,” software engineers say. Likewise, racism in, racism out. Biased developers produce biased code. But from my father, I learned there are ways to fight back. Facing racism encountered daily within IBM, my father relied on his community for support.

Los Angeles Times: My father was IBM’s first black software engineer. The racism he fought persists in the high-tech world today Read More »

Brookings Institute: America Has Two Economies – and They’re Diverging Fast

Yet now comes another wrinkle to the story. Not only are red and blue America experiencing two different economies, but those economies are diverging fast. In fact, radical change is transforming the two parties’ economies in real time. Which is a key takeaway of a new data analysis—published today—that we developed with the Wall Street Journal’s Aaron Zitner and Dante Chinni.

Brookings Institute: America Has Two Economies – and They’re Diverging Fast Read More »

The Guardian: Let’s Follow California’s Lead and Regulate Companies Like Uber

This week, California’s governor, Gavin Newsom – a darling of tech capitalists – signed Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) into law. The bill codifies the “ABC test” to determine the applicability of California employment laws and makes it harder for companies to get away with misclassifying workers as independent contractors. If properly enforced, AB5 will have enormous impacts for vulnerable workers in the trucking, janitorial and construction industries.

The Guardian: Let’s Follow California’s Lead and Regulate Companies Like Uber Read More »

Time: Hello From the Year 2050. We Avoided the Worst of Climate Change – But Everything is Different

Let’s imagine for a moment that we’ve reached the middle of the century. It’s 2050, and we have a moment to reflect—the climate fight remains the consuming battle of our age, but its most intense phase may be in our rearview mirror. And so we can look back to see how we might have managed to dramatically change our society and economy. We had no other choice.

Time: Hello From the Year 2050. We Avoided the Worst of Climate Change – But Everything is Different Read More »

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