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Financial Equity Summit

Massachusetts Community & Banking Council's inaugural summit is a two-day event on October 3 and 4 with local and national speakers focusing on closing our racial wealth gap in Massachusetts and the nation. Join us in thinking proactively about how best to deliver financial services to lower-income consumers in an ever-changing landscape. On Monday from […]

Root Cause coalition summit

Join NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol, NCRC Board Chair Catherine Crosby, and fellow panel members at the Root Cause Coalition Summit, October 4, 2022. They will discuss how the pandemic brought front-and-center discriminatory policies such as redlining. This session will discuss how leveraging cross sector partnerships can reverse the impact of these policies […]

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What Will Banking Look Like in 2030?

Some policymakers believe that Web3, a blockchain-based option for the Worldwide Web, will replace fintech as the next “new thing” in financial services. Web3 has the potential to enhance consumer privacy and counter the power of “Big Tech” firms to dominate internet activity. Built on “permissioned blockchain” technology, Web3 enables consumers to transact without middlemen […]