The University of Pennsylvania: Penn Institute for Urban Research and Wharton Public Policy Initiative Present “The Future of the Community Reinvestment Act,” Symposium Featuring Comments by Policy Makers and Academics Including Wharton Prof Susan Wachter, Sen. Sherrod Brown and the Urban Institute’s Laurie Goodman

Panel 2 will highlight policy implications and alternatives. Moderated by Kent Colton, The Colton Housing Group, presenters will include Buzz Roberts, National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders, Dafina Stewart, Bank Policy Institute, Gerron Levi, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Lawrence J. White, New York University, and Patricia McCoy, Boston College.

The University of Pennsylvania: Penn Institute for Urban Research and Wharton Public Policy Initiative Present “The Future of the Community Reinvestment Act,” Symposium Featuring Comments by Policy Makers and Academics Including Wharton Prof Susan Wachter, Sen. Sherrod Brown and the Urban Institute’s Laurie Goodman Read More »

The Washington Post: Racial bias in a medical algorithm favors white patients over sicker black patients

A widely used algorithm that predicts which patients will benefit from extra medical care dramatically underestimates the health needs of the sickest Black patients, amplifying long-standing racial disparities in medicine, researchers have found.

The Washington Post: Racial bias in a medical algorithm favors white patients over sicker black patients Read More »

The Philadelphia Inquirer: Lynchings, 1921 Tulsa massacre and 8 other things school didn’t teach you about race in America

Many of the 1.5 million folks who tuned in Sunday night to watch the premiere of HBO’s transformational comic-book adaptation The Watchmen clearly had a hard time unseeing the horrific first eight minutes of the series, as the words “TULSA 1921” flashed on the screen.

The Philadelphia Inquirer: Lynchings, 1921 Tulsa massacre and 8 other things school didn’t teach you about race in America Read More »

The New York Times: Underground Lives: The Sunless World Of Immigrants In Queens

Amado, who is in his 50s, has lived in the United States for nearly 29 years, coming by way of a smuggler through California, on a bus, first to Brooklyn with a brother, then to Queens. He is now in the country legally and able to travel back and forth to Mexico.

The New York Times: Underground Lives: The Sunless World Of Immigrants In Queens Read More »

Fast Company: This New Development Will Ask Buyers To Invest In A Fund To Give Back To The Community

While expensive development throughout Brooklyn has led to displacement of black and Hispanic residents over the past couple of decades, according to a report earlier this year from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Dumbo itself was mostly an industrial neighborhood, where old warehouses and factories were transformed into pricey lofts.

Fast Company: This New Development Will Ask Buyers To Invest In A Fund To Give Back To The Community Read More »

CityLab: Untangling the Housing Shortage and Gentrification

Gentrification is the territorial expansion of a wealthy community into a disinvested neighborhood, the installation of the social and legal regimes of the newcomers, and the deployment of new physical capital, both on a small scale—by homeowners undertaking renovations—and on a larger scale, by landed capitalists and public-sector officials keen to raise revenue.

CityLab: Untangling the Housing Shortage and Gentrification Read More »

The Washington Post: Pressed on Transgender Comments, HUD’s Carson Says Political Correctness is “Going to Destroy Our Nation”

Asked by Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.) on whether he felt the need to apologize for his remarks about “big, hairy men” trying to infiltrate women’s homeless shelters, HUD Secretary Ben Carson declined.

The Washington Post: Pressed on Transgender Comments, HUD’s Carson Says Political Correctness is “Going to Destroy Our Nation” Read More »

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