
NewsBreak: Banking Crisis Deepens: Additional Tennessee Closures Heighten Customer Worries

NewsBreak, November 25, 2023, Banking Crisis Deepens: Additional Tennessee Closures Heighten Customer Worries CNBC reports that “according to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, one-third of the branches closed from 2017 to 2021 occurred in areas that were predominately lower-income and minority areas.”

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4WWL: ‘They Became White Neighborhoods Almost Overnight’ – Katrina Supercharged N.O. Gentrification

4WWL, November 20, 2023. ‘They Became White Neighborhoods Almost Overnight’ – Katrina Supercharged N.O. Gentrification In a 2020 study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, New Orleans ranked 5th in the country’s 20 most gentrified cities. New Orleans is now a city where the cost of living has surpassed the rate of pay for many

4WWL: ‘They Became White Neighborhoods Almost Overnight’ – Katrina Supercharged N.O. Gentrification Read More »

CSRwire: Thought Leaders Gather For Critical Community Development Conversation At PNC’s Second Annual Community Leadership Symposium

CSRwire, November 17, 2023, Thought Leaders Gather For Critical Community Development Conversation At PNC’s Second Annual Community Leadership Symposium Moderated by PNC’s Chief Diversity Officer Gina Coleman, Retail Banking Alex Overstrom and head of C&IB Mike Lyons, a series of panel conversations centered around compelling community investment topics emphasizing best practices in economic inclusion, affordable

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Banking Dive: First Citizens Unveils Updated $6.5B Community Benefits Plan

Banking Dive, November 15, 2023, First Citizens Unveils Updated $6.5B Community Benefits Plan The updated plan comes as a “huge relief” for the communities that stood to lose out on the investments following SVB’s collapse in March, Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, said in a statement Tuesday.  “First Citizens is

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Our Kids Don’t Want Our Paid-Off House — Or Our Ashes

The Washington Post, November 17, 2023, Our Kids Don’t Want Our Paid-Off House — Or Our Ashes In 1940, the Black homeownership rate was 22.8%, nearly half of the 45.6% for Whites, according to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Until 1968, homeowners and real estate agents could legally refuse to sell homes to African Americans

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First Citizens Announces Expanded Commitment To Communities In Northern California And Eastern Massachusetts

Yahoo Finance, November 14, 2023, First Citizens Announces Expanded Commitment To Communities In Northern California And Eastern Massachusetts First Citizens Bank today announced an amendment to its existing Community Benefits Plan agreement with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and its members that extends the bank’s longstanding community support to Northern California and Massachusetts following its March acquisition of

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First Citizens Unveils Revised SVB Community Plan Worth $6.5 Billion

American Banker, November 14, 2023, First Citizens Unveils Revised SVB Community Plan Worth $6.5 Billion National Community Reinvestment Coalition Chief Executive Officer Jesse Van Tol called the agreement a “huge relief” for the communities that stood to benefit from SVB’s earlier community benefits plan. NCRC is one of the organizations that signed the deal with

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WBUR: A Bronx Teenager Reflects On What Gentrification Means To Her and Her Community

WBUR, January 8, 2024, A Bronx Teenager Reflects On What Gentrification Means To Her and Her Community When neighborhoods become gentrified, there’s often a sense of loss for longtime residents of the communities. That’s the case for Radio Rookie Christina Adja and her friends. The teens discuss their fear of being displaced and what gentrification means to

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Vox: Are $18 Big Macs The Price Of Falling Inequality?

Vox, January 9, 2024, Are $18 Big Macs The Price Of Falling Inequality? For months now, political observers have been squabbling over whether the Biden economy’s unpopularity reflects its genuine weaknesses or voters’ collective failure to recognize its virtues. On the one hand, the president did preside over a sustained period of exceptionally high inflation. On

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Planetizen: The Symbiotic Relationship Of Housing and Transit

Planetizen, January 7, 2024, The Symbiotic Relationship Of Housing and Transit A proposed federal law would promote transit-oriented development and prioritize funding for jurisdictions that adopt ‘pro-housing policies’ such as eliminating parking minimums and clearing the way for multifamily construction by reducing minimum lot sizes and raising height limits. As M. Nolan Gray explains in Bloomberg

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Business Insider: Student-Loan Borrowers Are Taking On More Debt, And It’s Not All Tuition — Blame Skyrocketing Housing Costs

Business Insider, January 7, 2024, Student-Loan Borrowers Are Taking On More Debt, And It’s Not All Tuition — Blame Skyrocketing Housing Costs But skyrocketing home costs are increasingly putting pressure on student budgets across the country. The housing crisis has become a “five-alarm fire” for students struggling to make ends meet in hot real estate

Business Insider: Student-Loan Borrowers Are Taking On More Debt, And It’s Not All Tuition — Blame Skyrocketing Housing Costs Read More »

The Washington Post: ‘Equality’ Says The Path Has Always Been Fraught

The Washington Post, January 4, 2024, ‘Equality’ Says The Path Has Always Been Fraught In 2013, Barack Obama was flush with optimism as he stepped up to the podium to deliver his second inaugural address. He knew that America had a long way to go, but he believed that the country also had much to

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The Medical Care Blog: Weathering And Its Impacts on Health

The Medical Care Blog, January 4, 2024, Weathering And Its Impacts on Health Public health researcher Dr. Arline Gernoimus coined a term for this process that she calls “weathering”. Racism, poverty, and discrimination “literally wears down your heart, your arteries, your neuroendocrine systems, all your body systems so that in effect, you become chronologically old

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Consumer Federation of America: The CFPB Has An Opportunity to Greatly Advance The Ethical And Non-Discriminatory Use Of AI In Financial Services And Should Take It

Consumer Federation of America, January 3, 2024, The CFPB Has An Opportunity to Greatly Advance The Ethical And Non-Discriminatory Use Of AI In Financial Services And Should Take It On October 30, 2023, the White House issued Executive Order 14110 entitled the Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.  The Executive Order (EO) is

Consumer Federation of America: The CFPB Has An Opportunity to Greatly Advance The Ethical And Non-Discriminatory Use Of AI In Financial Services And Should Take It Read More »

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